Pass Your MRCP Part 2 Exam

Work through the largest bank of MRCP Part 2 questions on the market, tailored past papers from recent exams and comprehensive coverage of over 500 topics.
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For the planners - Access to our MRCP 2 platform for a 12 month period.

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For the strivers- Access to our MRCP 2 platform for a 6 month period.

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What you get for your money

With a laser focus on aligning our materials with the exact content and format of medical exams, we ensure that students receive the most accurate and up-to-date resources available.

3290 Exam style questions

Our Qbank is built to mimic the exam as closely as possible, with Best of Five questions covering every specialty in the exam, aligned to the latest MRCP 2 exam breakdown.

529 Searchable topic summaries

We have transformed our esteemed 'Essential Revision Notes for MRCP' into our searchable topic summaries - Updated and quality-checked against NICE guidelines. Covering over 500 topics.

30 Past papers to practise from

Our Past Papers are tailored to reflect the most recent themes from the MRCP Part 2 exam. These papers allow for focused revision and aid in developing effective exam strategies.

156 Multimedia items

Videos and podcasts to help you understand key materials
Need a little extra help?

MRCP Part 2 Exam Essentials Course

This course includes 29 pre-recorded theory sections on key concepts and images, plus 10 Q&A sessions per unit to help with question strategies and image interpretation for the MRCP Part 2 exam.

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Why not try an MRCP Membership. Giving you 5 year's access to our entire MRCP catalogue
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Support and Advice

Fancy learning more? Explore our blog, The Pastest Complete Guide to MRCP Part 2, for top tips on how to ace the exam
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What Our Customers Say

We know, it's all well and good us telling you how great we are. But what about some people that have actually used our product?
Format and Breakdwown was Excellent!
I previously only used a question bank for preparation and it didn't work for me, however the breakdown of the questions and format of commonly asked topics were excellent!

MRCP Part 2

Got questions? We've got answers for you

Yes! Our MRCP 2 question bank includes over 500 image-based questions, plus even more in our Past Papers!

Most candidates prepare for 3-6 months, but we offer flexible plans (3, 6, and 12 months) to match different study needs

Of course! All of our content is written based on the UK's medical guidelines like NICE, BNF, BTS, SIGN etc. Our medical reviewers provide thorough checks to ensure our content is up to date and relevant to your exam