The Best MRCP PACES Online Revision Resources

In this Pastest blog post, you’ll find our collation of the best revision resources out there to help you pass MRCP PACES with flying colours.

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The Best MRCP PACES Online Revision Resources

We’re sure you’re familiar, but there are three parts to the MRCP examinations: Part 1 and Part 2, which are both multiple choice-based 6-hour exams), and PACES - the clinical exam. PACES is a practical exam, and so practise on real patients with pathology is key to passing.

Whilst the majority of your knowledge for PACES will come from deliberate practice of your medical skills, there’s also a huge amount of PACES revision resources out there that can help supplement your practice! Let’s dive into a few of the best revision resources out there to help you pass PACES with flying colours.

Online courses


Of course, we couldn’t talk about the best PACES revision resources without mentioning the Pastest course. Our comprehensive video-based resource gives you 24/7 access to 125 patient examination cases - in 340 high-res videos - and a whole bunch of other essential resources - all for a fraction of what you would pay for a face-to-face course, and you can do it from the comfort of your own home!

Our mobile-responsive case browser means you can revise at home or on the go. And, with flexible pricing,  you can choose what access you need - depending on when your exam is!

BMJ OnExamination

Utilising modern tech to their advantage, BMJ OnExamination utilises AI-powered patients and examiners to deliver a more realistic revision setting. They have 40 patient cases for you to work through and practise the clinical skills needed to pass PACES.


QuesMed pride themselves on being an ‘all in one’ platform for studying to pass the PACES portion of MRCP. In this resource you’ll find more than 100 patient cases - based on real examinations - with clinical signs, history, and communication stations, to help you prepare for the real thing.

MRCP PACES Resource Feature Comparison

Now that we’ve introduced the different revision resources available for MRCP PACES, let’s compare how they stack up against one another in terms of features and price.


Product Name

Patient Cases


Additional Resources


Offline Mode

Other Media

AI Tutor
















From £250








From £159.99

Clinical Skills Pro




From £169.99

The best PACES revision books

Cases for PACES

This book is incredibly handy for the final weeks and days leading up to your PACES exam, as it acts as a quick reference guide; with all the information you need arranged in easy-to-digest bullet points. Despite its small size, Cases for PACES more than covers the entire curriculum of the PACES exam.

The MRCP PACES Handbook

This book goes into great detail for each station that you’ll encounter during the PACES exam, structured in a concise and easy-to-read manner. However, it may be best to supplement your use of this book with something a little more visual - unless you thrive on text-heavy revision! - as there’s a distinct lack of pictures and colour in The MRCP PACES Handbook.

250 Cases in Clinical Medicine

Be sure to get the most up-to-date version of the book, which was published in 2023. Now in its sixth edition, 250 Cases in Clinical Medicine has medical case studies on common illnesses and presentations, and is incredibly useful for exam preparation. Qualified, working physicians will often use it as a quick reference guide, so it's handy to keep hold of after exam season ends, too!

Here’s everything it has inside:


  • 250 clinical cases, giving you an overview of all topics you’ll likely encounter
  • ‘Ward round’ Q&A section
  • Cases alphabetised by system
  • Self-assessment by system
  • Medical emergency presentations
  • Procedures for the core medical curriculum
  • Multiple choice questions replaced with open answer questions



Clinical Medicine for the MRCP PACES

One of the most well-known and respected tomes on this list, Clinical Medicine for the MRCP PACES comes in two volumes; the first looks at core clinical skills, while the second delves into history, ethics, and communication. These books include clinical cases that mimic the style and approach of the actual exam, giving you the knowledge and skills to pass the PACES exam.


The Pocketbook for PACES

Despite its small size - hence the name ‘pocketbook’ - The Pocketbook for PACES still provides great coverage of the PACES curriculum and the knowledge required to pass. It covers the most common cases you’ll likely find at each station, and has helpful sections called “Common Pitfalls” and “Top Tips’.

And, if in-person learning is your bag, the editor of The Pocketbook for PACES also runs a popular course in London.

Two Weeks to PACES: Practical Assessment of Clinical Examination Skills

Released in 2021 and updated to align with the 2020 changes, Two Weeks to PACES is a handy tool to have in the weeks leading up to your exam, as a reference guide that you can glance at. If you’ve been revising for months, you can use Two Weeks to PACES to provide quick refreshers on your memory - made easier by the summary lists and mnemonics provided.

Clinical Consultation Skills in Medicine: A Primer for MRCP PACES

There are few PACES books out there that have been updated to the 2023 format, but this is one of them! The new PACES exams may contain a new style of clinical consultation stations, which makes this book an incredibly useful reference guide. MasterPass MRCP books come well-rated as standard.

PACES for the MRCP: With 250 Clinical Cases

Completely updated to account for the new Station 5 of the PACES exam, PACES for the MRCP puts a great deal of emphasis on clinical assessment - history-taking, examination and communication skills - giving you everything you need to make the right diagnosis, and consider the consequences beyond the initial decision. And - as the title suggests - this book contains 250 clinical cases to help supplement your learning.

Pass PACES: Essential Study Guide

When we say pocketbook, we truly mean it for this book. It can fit in your bag or even pocket with ease, which makes this book great for on-the-go revision, or for when you need to look something up or refresh your memory. What you’ll need to bear in mind is that its size may also reflect the information inside, and you may find some information has been omitted, so we’d definitely recommend using this as a supporting book with other resources.

Revision courses

People learn in different ways, and some doctors prefer a combination of different learning resources - including in-person sessions - which can simulate a real ward experience, alongside on-demand courses where they can practice their techniques. As MRCP PACES is a practical exam, having experience of recognising clinical signs and making the right diagnosis is key.


A Pastest course is coming soon! In the meantime, below are some of the top courses out there that you can attend depending on how much you have to spend, and how long you want to commit.



This 4-day course gives you the chance to examine over 100 real patients and practise all of the necessary skills needed to pass PACES. You’ll also be able to attend lectures on the subject of physical examinations, history taking, and communication skills. The four days will finish off with a mock exam where attendees will be given detailed feedback.


Not everyone can commit to a few days or more to studying non-stop, which is where BitePACES comes in. Ranging from one-day intensive courses for those who want to blast through the practical sessions, to four-day hybrid courses if you’ve got a bit more time on your hands.

Intelligent PACES

This course is split into different sections to cover the different skills that you will need to get to grips with for PACES; for example, a one-day course on clinical skills is separate to a day course on communication skills. So if you feel that one area needs a little more work, you can dedicate most of a day to that specific subject.


When they say there’s a podcast for everything, they mean it. If you like to supplement your learning through listening - or maybe you have a long commute and want to use that time wisely - you’ll be delighted to learn that there are a number of podcasts out there that you can plug into to support your exam revision.

MRCP Podcasts

Dr Podcast

This popular podcast covers the most common cases for each station that are likely to appear in the PACES exam. The podcast scripts are written by experienced consultant physicians, alongside those who have already sat and past PACES, and are incredibly well-structured. Here, you’ll find model answers for the most commonly asked questions.

Unfortunately, this podcast series does come with a price tag; they can be bought individually from the Dr Podcast website or you can buy the entire MRCP bundle for £74.25.

The PrePACES Podcast

Dr Sam Williams

This free, open-access podcast series is hosted by Cardiology Registrar, Dr Sam Williams, and gives aspiring physicians the clinical knowledge needed to pass the exam. It also contains exam hacks and specific tips for the PACES exams, from experienced and qualified junior doctors and medical consultants. Dr Williams keeps the episodes interesting and engaging with challenges and minigames for his expert guests - the perfect listen for a long journey!


PACES Revision Podcast

Medical Education Leeds

Another free podcast series that can be found on SoundCloud - there’s sixty short and snappy episodes in total, so it’s a listen that’s best used to supplement another form of PACES revision. In each episode you’ll find a good summary of the clinical knowledge needed to pass the common cases that are tested at each station.

MRCPi bedside

This podcast caters specifically for Irish PACES, and is hosted by two Irish junior doctors who are fresh out of sitting the exam themselves. These bite-sized episodes break down the exam, and give you need-to-know information and top preparation tips, covering both the exam itself and the fear and anxiety many people experience.


If you’re looking to do your MRCS PACES revision on a budget, online blogs are a great resource to utilise. Here are a few of our favourites…

Pastest Blog

Here at Pastest, we have years of experience in providing top-quality revision material in a multitude of formats to suit all learning styles. Head to the Pastest Blog to take a look through our past posts, covering a range of topics including examination insights, case studies from successful candidates, and guides on the exam formats - there’s so much here to help you prepare!

Ploughing Through PACES

Created by Bethan Goulden, this website has become a go-to for many junior doctors doing their PACES preparation, giving a solid overview of all stations - along with tips on how to tackle each one! And better yet, there’s even resources that you can print off and slot into your other revision materials.


Written by Respiratory Registrar, Dr Rory Chan, this blog is a little more on the general side. Whilst it also documents his FIRE journey (Financial Independence Retire Early), there’s plenty of commentary on the medical side, too. You’ll find general career advice for aspiring physicians, but also posts with tips on MRCP Part 1, Part 2 and PACES.

PACES Medical Education Leeds

To supplement their podcast, which we mentioned above, the Leeds Medical Education team have also created a website full of useful links and resources, that are specifically organised by each station, for a highly organised approach to your revision.

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